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This document gives information about interpreting the Kelp-O-Matic model outputs, and gives details on the dataset pre-processing workflow, model training, and final performance achieved for both the kelp and mussel detection models.

Model Outputs

Each of the Kelp-O-Matic models outputs a mask raster with integer pixel values that represent the following classes:


These are the outputs from the find-kelp routine:

Output value Class
0 Background
1 Kelp (presence mode)
2 Macrocystis (species mode)
3 Nereocystis (species mode)


These are the outputs from the find-mussels routine:

Output value Class
0 Background
1 Mussles

Dataset Preparation

The datasets used to train the kelp segmentation model were a number of scenes collected using DJI Phantom remotely-piloted aircraft systems (RPAS). A total of 28 image mosaic scenes were used. The resolution of each image varied between 0.023m and 0.428m, with an average of 0.069m and standard deviation of 0.087m. These images were collected over a period from 2018 to 2021, all during summer.

For model training, each dataset was divided into 512 pixels square cropped sections, with 50% overlap between adjacent tiles. To balance the dataset, tiles containing no kelp where discarded. These sets of tiles where then divided into training, validation, and test splits.

Source code for data preparation is available on GitHub at hakai-ml-dataprep.

Pre-processing overview

flowchart TD
    subgraph Data Preparation
    subgraph Labelling
    A[/"UAV Orthomosaic (RGB)"/] --> B[Manual kelp classification]
    B --> C[/"Presence/Absence Dataset\n(not kelp = 0, kelp = 1)"/]
    B --> D[/"Species Dataset\n(not kelp = 0, Macrocystis = 2,\n Nereocystis = 3)"/]
    subgraph Filtering [Prepare image tiles]
    E{{"Tile image and label\n(512x512 pixel tiles, 50% overlap)"}}
    E --> F{{"Discard image and labels tiles with no kelp\nOR where >50% is no data"}}
    C & D--> Filtering
    subgraph PADataset [P/A Dataset]
    G[("Training ~80%")]
    H[("Validation ~10%")]
    I[("Testing ~10%")]
    subgraph SpeciesDataset [Species Dataset]
    G1[("Training ~80%")]
    H1[("Validation ~10%")]
    I1[("Testing ~10%")]
    Filtering --> PADataset & SpeciesDataset

Dataset summaries

Kelp (presence/absence)

Split Scenes Tiles Pixelskelp Pixelstotal Area (km2) Resmax (m) Resmin (m) Res\(\mu\) (m) Res\(\sigma\) (m)
Train 20 829404 216770596954 3738528864 11680.54 0.1040 0.0230 0.0487 0.0253
Validation 4 31610 8220459464 295310084 253.79 0.0420 0.0230 0.0296 0.0085
Test 6 92608 24093604354 639694012 819.45 0.0680 0.0230 0.0385 0.0161
Sum 30 953622 249084660772 4673532960 12,753.78

Kelp (species)

Split Scenes Tiles Pixelsmacro Pixelsnereo Pixelstotal Area (km2) Resmax (m) Resmin (m) Res\(\mu\) (m) Res\(\sigma\) (m)
Train 17 336740 605462674 1158650042 88008624978 4034.11 0.1040 0.0230 0.0488 0.0266
Validation 4 15805 127410722 20244320 4110229732 123.91 0.0420 0.0230 0.0296 0.0085
Test 6 46304 143277498 176569508 12046802177 409.72 0.0680 0.0230 0.0385 0.0161
Sum 27 398849 876150894 1355463870 104165656887 4567.75

Mussels (presence/absence)

Split Scenes Tiles Pixelsmussels Pixelstotal Area (km2) Resmax (m) Resmin (m) Res\(\mu\) (m) Res\(\sigma\) (m)
Train 39 4834 933287123 5068816384 23.8147 0.027 0.00231 0.0082244 0.00492054
Validation 8 1277 223598444 1339031552 5.74255 0.00518591 0.00330667 0.00421985 0.000545617
Test 8 1110 175226412 1163919360 4.64052 0.00578278 0.003671 0.00435929 0.000665025
Sum 55 7221 1332111979 7571767296 34.197799 0.037969 0.009288 0.016804 0.006131

Model Training

Source code for model training is available on GitHub at hakai-ml-train.

Training overview

flowchart TD
    subgraph Training [CNN Training Loop]
    P --> B2["Get next batch of training tiles"]
    G2[("Training")] -.-> B2
    subgraph Augmentation [Data Augmentation]
    J["Randomly rotation in [0, 45] deg"]
    J --> K["Random horizontal and/or vertical flip"]
    K --> L["Randomly jitter brightness,\ncontrast, and saturation"]
    B2 --> Augmentation
    L --> Q["Forward pass through CNN"]
    Q --> R["Calculate error of CNN relative to hand-labelled images"]
    R --> S["Update CNN parameters with backpropagation"]
    S --> B3{"More training tiles\nto process?"}
    B3 -->|Yes| B2
    subgraph Validation
    H2[("Validation")] -.-> V["Calculate average model error on all batches"]
    B3 -->|No| Validation
    Validation --> W{"Validation error is stabilized?\n(model converged)"}
    W --> |No| reset["Next training epoch"] --> B2
    W -->|Yes| X["Finished training,\nsave CNN model"]
    subgraph Testing
    I3[("Testing")] -.-> Y["Calculate model performance on all batches"]
    Y --> Z("Save model performance metrics")
    X --> Testing
    Testing --> End([End])

Model Performance

Metric definitions

The following definitions describe the metrics used during training and evaluation of the deep neural networks. They are important to understand for the sections following.

Definitions in terms of pixel sets:

  • Let \(A\) equal the set of human-labelled pixels.
  • Let \(B\) be defined as the set of pixel labels predicted by the model.
  • Let \(A_i\) and \(B_i\) be the sets of pixels for a particular class of interest, \(i\), from labels \(A\) and \(B\), respectively.

Definitions in terms of true and false postive/negative classes:

For class \(i\):

  • Let \(TP_i\) be the true positives.
  • Let \(FP_i\) be the false positives.
  • Let \(TN_i\) be the true negatives.
  • Let \(FN_i\) be the false negatives.

The "intersection over union", also called the "Jaccard Index". Defined as:

\[ IoU_i (A,B) = \frac{|A_i \cap B_i|}{|A_i \cup B_i|} = \frac{TP_i}{TP_i + FP_i + FN_i} \]

The ratio of correct predictions for a class to the count of predictions of that class:

\[ Precision_i = \frac{|A_i \cap B_i|}{|A_i|} = \frac{TP_i}{TP_i + FP_i} \]

The ratio of correct predictions for a class to the count of actual instances of that class:

\[ Recall_i = \frac{|A_i \cap B_i|}{|B_i|} = \frac{TP_i}{TP_i + FN_i} \]

The ratio of counts of pixels correctly classified by the model divided over the total number of pixels.

\[ Accuracy = \frac{TP + TN}{TP + TN + FP + FN} \]

Summary statistics

Kelp (presence/absence)

Class IoU Precision Recall Accuracy
Kelp 0.6593 0.8145 0.7804 -
Not Kelp 0.9885 0.9939 0.9945 -
Mean 0.8239 0.9042 0.8875 0.9892
Class IoU Precision Recall Accuracy
Kelp 0.6964 0.7585 0.8917 -
Not Kelp 0.9857 0.9969 0.9886 -
Mean 0.8410 0.8777 0.9402 0.9865
Class IoU Precision Recall Accuracy
Kelp 0.7786 0.8510 0.8980 -
Not Kelp 0.9716 0.9889 0.9822 -
Mean 0.8751 0.9200 0.9401 0.9757
Class IoU Precision Recall Accuracy
Kelp 0.7093 0.7669 0.9039 -
Not Kelp 0.9867 0.9968 0.9898 -
Mean 0.8480 0.8818 0.9469 0.9872
Class IoU Precision Recall Accuracy
Kelp 0.7756 0.8607 0.8925 -
Not Kelp 0.9882 0.9929 0.9953 -
Mean 0.8819 0.9268 0.9439 0.9889
Class IoU Precision Recall Accuracy
Kelp 0.7523 0.8932 0.8259 -
Not Kelp 0.9894 0.9931 0.9963 -
Mean 0.8709 0.9111 0.9432 0.9901

Kelp (species)

Class IoU Precision Recall Accuracy
Macro 0.7574 0.8558 0.8697 -
Nereo 0.5336 0.7279 0.6716 -
Not Kelp 0.9885 0.9939 0.9945 -
Mean 0.7645 0.8657 0.8410 0.9881
Class IoU Precision Recall Accuracy
Macro 0.7392 0.7942 0.9126 -
Nereo 0.4369 0.5128 0.7696 -
Not Kelp 0.9423 0.9848 0.9562 -
Mean 0.7810 0.8367 0.9055 0.9522
Class IoU Precision Recall Accuracy
Macro 0.8133 0.8845 0.9075 -
Nereo 0.5722 0.6741 0.7141 -
Not Kelp 0.9579 0.9828 0.9742 -
Mean 0.8118 0.8719 0.8855 0.9649
Class IoU Precision Recall Accuracy
Nereo 0.6481 0.7492 0.8263 -
Macro 0.7137 0.7470 0.9413 -
Not Kelp 0.9867 0.9968 0.9898 -
Mean 0.7828 0.8310 0.9191 0.9867
Class IoU Precision Recall Accuracy
Nereo 0.6159 0.7590 0.7632 -
Macro 0.4119 0.4713 0.4337 -
Not Kelp 0.9882 0.9929 0.9953 -
Mean 0.6720 0.7410 0.7307 0.9882
Class IoU Precision Recall Accuracy
Nereo 0.6626 0.7580 0.8411 -
Macro 0.6299 0.6862 0.7381 -
Not Kelp 0.9894 0.9963 0.9931 -
Mean 0.7607 0.8135 0.8574 0.9898

Mussels (presence/absence)

Class IoU Precision Recall Accuracy
Mussels 0.7360 0.8314 0.8262 -
Not Mussels 0.9824 0.9880 0.9942 -
Mean 0.8592 0.9097 0.9102 0.9847
Class IoU Precision Recall Accuracy
Mussels 0.7863 0.9232 0.8433 -
Not Mussels 0.9822 0.9887 0.9933 -
Mean 0.8843 0.9560 0.9183 0.9846
Class IoU Precision Recall Accuracy
Mussels 0.7499 0.8698 0.8425 -
Not Mussels 0.9783 0.9889 0.9891 -
Mean 0.8641 0.9294 0.9158 0.9806